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Laboratory Medicine Foundation

Introduction of Business

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Guidance Workshops for Outstanding Laboratory Certification Program

Based on the checklist for each field developed for the Outstanding laboratory certification Inspection, we analyze the results of the previous year's evaluation and provide references for preparing for insufficient standard. We also provide an introduction and explanation of the revised standards to help participants in each institution prepare for the certification inspection. We aim to improve participants' practical capabilities in diagnostic laboratory medicine by increasing their understanding of the relevant standard and their related background knowledge.

  • TargetLaboratory medicine specialist, laboratory technicians, resident
  • NumberAnnually (in person or VOD)

Education workshops for inspectors

The goal is to improve the knowledge and practical skills required for certification inspection team leaders and team members.

  • TargetInspectors
  • Numbertwice a year(at KSLM fall symposium and LMCE&KSLM annual meeting)

Resident workshops

The purpose is to introduce the laboratory accreditation system implemented by the Laboratory Medicine Foundation, provide general information on accreditation, and provide education on improving laboratory quality.

  • TargetResidents(1-4 year)
  • NumberAnnually (in person or VOD)

Online Inspector Team Leader Education Program

Conditions for becoming a successful inspector team leader, matters to consider during actual inspections, and specific materials are provided for each stage, divided into pre-audit, audit, and post-audit, to pursue consistency and fairness in the inspection. Comprehensive education is provided covering registration and inspection methods, inspection systems and principles, inspection programs, and inspection performance and the qualifications of the inspectors.

  • TargetA specialist in diagnostic laboratory medicine who satisfies the qualification requirements for a new review team leader and becomes a new review team leader
  • NumberOnline continuous education