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Laboratory Medicine Foundation


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Welcome to the
“Laboratory Medicine Foundation”

The Laboratory Medicine Foundation will play a central role in quality control
and standardization of diagnostic tests.

Chairman of the Board of Directors Sail Chun Sail Chun

Laboratory medicine plays the most basic and important role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The Department of Laboratory Medicine has recognized the importance of laboratory medicine not only to medical professionals but also to the entire public by leading and perfectly performing its duties in response to the era of infectious disease pandemics. This achievement is the result of the continuous efforts of the Laboratory Medicine Foundation, which has strived to provide reliable diagnostic test results by improving laboratory quality management through the accreditation evaluation of excellent laboratories, and the various organizations participating in the accreditation evaluation of excellent laboratories.

The Laboratory Medicine Foundation was established in 2010 with the purpose of producing accurate test results and contributing to the improvement of public health through systematic and comprehensive quality evaluation and standardization activities in the field of laboratory medicine. As of 2022, about 330 medical institutions have achieved quantitative growth to participate in the accreditation evaluation of excellent laboratories, and since 2017, the quality of the accreditation evaluation of excellent laboratories has been improved by obtaining ISQua EEA (International Society for Quality in Health Care External Evaluation Association) certification. The level was also recognized.

The Laboratory Medicine Foundation will continue to work organically with academia, the government, related organizations, and industry to solidify and expand the excellent laboratory certification evaluation system. I will expand the organization and review targets of the Laboratory Medicine Foundation, improve work including diversification of auditor training methods, promote standardization of diagnostic tests by implementing an international level laboratory certification evaluation project, and improve communication and communication with participating organizations. We aim to improve the satisfaction of participating organizations by strengthening the provision of information. As Chairman of the Board, I will strive to raise the status of the Laboratory Medicine Foundation, and will also do my best to contribute to the improvement of public health through reliable diagnostic tests. We would like to thank the many people who have devoted themselves to the work of the Laboratory Medicine Foundation and the medical institution officials who participated in the evaluation for accreditation of excellent laboratories, and we ask for your continued interest and participation.